DEW Magazine #50 The Power Issue Pre-Summer 2024. In this issue, we’re encouraging you to question and navigate what power truly means. How does power correlate with hope?And how much power do we truly have in our own hands?

This year, the theme of Power is a vital one that affects us in more ways than we can imagine. With citizens from tens of countries set to vote for who will be ruling their country for the next few years. Through these elections, we will be able to see major acts of democracy as well as the different practices of people power.

Another vital thing for democracy is by seeing how free the people are in expressing opinions, ideologies and perspectives. Although the spectrum of morally right and wrong will always exist, it shouldn’t be strictly based on an institution’s belief. By forcing a certain set of beliefs and limiting how much free-thinking people do, not only does it eliminate any diversity but it also limits the people’s ability to think critically and analytically due to the strict uniformity. Taking away one’s rights to challenge notions and question the status quo is a cruel act indeed. After all, isn’t one of the most beautiful things about humanity our ability to form our own thoughts?

If authoritarian regimes were the ones in power taking over the world and the people were expected to conform into a singular perspective, then how will our world evolve? Does change not come from challenges? Contrast and differences are what allow us to see beyond the fish tank that we’ve been enclosed by. What is true for us, might not be true for others. What seems beneficial for us, might be added risk for others. So when our world is being led by those who are unable to open their ears, hearts, and mind’s to various voices, then how much power do we truly have as people?

Due to problems like these that seem bigger than us, it feels like our future has been defined and fixed due to the lack of power we seem to have in our own future. It’s sadly natural and common to see the youth lose faith in not only the world they live in, but also their future and themselves. With that said, we’re encouraging you to question and navigate what power truly means. How does power correlate with hope? Does power truly blind people? And how much power do we truly have in our own hands? (Text Vanya Harapan)


Cover story Noa at MOMENT in FAD distortion

Creative direction HIRO

Photography Kanto Kurasawa

Styling Honoka Nakamori

Hair Nao Ikeda

Make-up KOTO

Casting director Kosuke Kuroyanagi at VOLO