Private Eyes: Hikari Mori Gets Candid About Career. In our latest catch-up with Hikari Mori, the high-profile model gets candid on the reality of her career.

This article was originally published in DEW Magazine #48 The Joy Issue Fall 2023

Being a model has always been one of the more glamorous jobs people dream of having. Yet underneath the glittery surface of it all lies a more grounded reality to it. For Hikari Mori, who’s been in the industry for ages, the model is familiar with the ups and downs of modeling. Though her career might seem dreamlike, the star has overcome plenty of turbulence to get to where she is now.

“There’s a time when I saw an owarai comedian who said that ‘Applying a body cream is enough to become a model, right?’” Hikari shares with us a story of how the public still has a misconstrued perception of modeling, “When I Experienced working with experienced supermodels that have a career around the world, we have to be professional when portraying beauty and keep practicing to show our best during shoots to be loved by everyone. In my opinion, applying body cream every day is also a kind of professional practice when it’s done on a daily basis. The definition of what is hard in any job itself may be different for each individual. Personally, I would say it’s not an easy job, and it’s not a mundane thing that you find it as simple.”

Private Eyes: Hikari Mori Gets Candid About Career

Hikari wears all clothing Create Clair.

Throughout her career, the star has had her share of the many sides of modeling. Be it editorials, commercials, or runways, Mori has given her shot at all of the above. Despite all these jobs being ones for a model, there’s a difference in approach and process to how it gets done. “During runways, my focus was to “empty” my personal urge so I could become a living canvas for a designer’s creation. Thus, removing the existence of ‘Mori Hikari’ myself. Personally, I found it hard, and it’s a challenging process that I’ve yet to meet fully. ” Hikari begins to explain, “On the other hand, editorials and advertising commercials are things that I am accustomed to, so I give everything I have as Mori Hikari myself.”

“Today is an era where diversity is flourishing in the modeling industry, but there are also trends. In that case, timeless beauty is achieved not only by polishing the outer appearance but also by linking the inner appearance with your looks. In other words, practice, training your spirit, reading books, and obtaining wisdom are what I believe lead to timeless beauty as a role model, which I also want to become.” – Hikari Mori

Before Hikari gets into the zone, she prepares herself by listening to music and letting her thoughts wander, fantasizing and daydreaming about various things. To her, music is a great medium to get into the zone, helping her get accustomed to the mood of the show. “Regardless of what kind of figure I want to be, when it comes to being emotional, I need to be fully present. There’s also a moment where I get too emotional. So, I use music to balance out my emotions and then match (the mood) with what everyone imagined,” explains the model on the important role music plays in her job.

Private Eyes: Hikari Mori Gets Candid About Career

Hikari wears all clothing Create Clair.

Part of being a model is o always take care of one’s appearance, yet Hikari does not see it as a burden or source of pressure and is instead a reminder to stay fit and healthy inside out. She shares that even before modeling, she’s always found importance in staying physically and mentally fit, perceiving it as a human duty to take care of oneself, “Especially during hard training, there are moment when I wanted to run away and cry, but it’s an important lesson more than anything else as it’s a process of growth, since I become stronger than before every time I overcame them.”

“Since I follow my instinct first, I gratefully accept constructive criticism, as an incoming challenge. I ignored the criticisms that I felt were unnecessary, so I could keep focusing on something important. As I turned 30 now, the choices to balance them out are becoming more available, which makes my life easier,” she continues to muse. With such a solid outlook and strong mentality, it’s no shocker that the model has had such a long-spanning career.

Private Eyes: Hikari Mori Gets Candid About Career

Hikari wears all clothing Create Clair.

However, with a long-spanning career that constantly puts her under the spotlight, there may be consequences she felt in becoming a public figure. So we asked Hikari how she continues to find peace and balance between her personal and professional life, “Work hard, play hard is my motto! Basically, I’m not the type who sets up an on-off button (on herself)” she explains to us earnestly, “I put all effort into work and private life to its fullest. I keep the mindset of meeting every challenge as I don’t want to find myself bored and stay spontaneous.” Now that the star has gotten candid about the truth and reality of a modeling career, she advises young models who want to pursue a career in modeling to keep their inside as beautiful as their out.

Private Eyes: Hikari Mori Gets Candid About Career

Hikari wears all clothing Create Clair.

“Today is an era where diversity is flourishing in the modeling industry, but there are also trends. In that case, timeless beauty is achieved not only by polishing the outer appearance but also by linking the inner appearance with your looks. A charm that attracts people is loved and admired by people, and remains undiminished,” she begins, “In Japanese, it’s called 剣禅書 ‘kenzensho’, which translated as Sword Zen Book, it’s a training that has been valued in Bushido. In other words, practice, training your spirit, reading books, and obtaining wisdom are what I believe lead to timeless beauty as a role model, which I also want to become.” (Text Vanya Harapan)


Cover story Hikari Mori in Create Clair

Photography Kenta Karima

Styling Yuta Kotani

Hair Tetsuya Yamakata

Make-up Kie Kiyohara