To Binge Netflix’ Maniac with Jonah Hill and Emma Stone. Adopted from Norwegian TV series with the same title, Maniac is the new dark comedy miniseries by Netflix that we all need to watch.

Premiere on the 21st of September, Maniac will tell you stories about two strangers named Annie Landsberg (Stone) and Owen Milgrim (Hill) that are drawn to the late stage of a mysterious pharmaceutical trial (with other people) by their own causes. With glitchy sounds and effects, this series written by Patrick Somerville and directed by Cary Fukunaga is giving us the vibe of Garden State modern reboot.

To Binge Netflix' Maniac with Jonah Hill and Emma Stone


With a slightly similar premise with Eternal Sunshine and The Spotless Mind where people try to disconnect themselves from the past, in Maniac we will meet Annie with her broken relationship with her mother and sister which made her disaffected, aimless, and cold in a way and Owen with his schizophrenia who expectedly have pretty much problematic lives.

By consuming the pills invented by Dr. James K. Mantleray (Jason Theroux) of the Neberdine Pharmaceutical and Biotech facilities, the end of the treatment promise to repair the mind from any kind of illness and heartbreak, forever.

1. After airing the first trailers, we heard that Sonoya Mizuno (from the movie, Ex Machina) and Jemima Kirk (form TV series, Girls) are also joining the casts.

2. We love Jonah Hill’s new figure! He surely steps his game up.

Here’s the Maniac Trailer:

As twisty, trippy, and dark as it seen (because we’re in love with it already!), we hope Maniac will stay for at least five seasons, Y’all agree?